Leisure & Amusement



Teahouse of Chenglan Hall


Teahouse of Guoxiang Hall


Teahouse Balcony of Wuchen Hall


Yuxian Teahouse

Teahouses in Yuantouzhu Scenic Area are mainly for tea enjoyment, sightseeing and leisure. There are altogether seven teahouses, namely Teahouse of Wuchen Hall, Teahouse of Chenglan Hall, Hushan Hall, Huanbi Complex (Luding Mountain), Yuxian Teahouse (Tianjie Street of Taihu Fairyland), Teahouse of Guoxiang Hall, and Teahouse of Wanfang Hall. Among the seven, the most distinguished three are:

Chenglan Hall

Chenglan Hall is a quaint and spacious imitation of architecture in the Song and Ming Dynasty. The poetic plaque hanging on the wall adds to the extraordinary atmosphere of the hall. The view of Taihu Lake taken here over tea far outweighs what is described in the Preface to Tengwang Pavilion.


Wuchen Pavilion

The pavilion is named for its construction year “Wuchen” (1928). It has three stories and a glazed tile roof. On the building, you can immerse yourself in the lovely landscape of mountains and lakes.


Guoxiang Hall

Guoxiang Hall, built by the lake, is a nice place to enjoy orchids, tea, and the landscape. Right where you stand, orchids send out pleasant smells that stay with you along the way; to the fore, you can see bridges over waters with sweet-scented lotuses and lilies, and the dancing shadows of bamboos in the breeze; in the distance, you can look afar on the lush Luding Mountain where pavilions tower.