Find a Secret Place from Summer Heat


The heat wave in Slight Heat,

Seems to add fire to this summer.

Heat is overwhelming.


Xu Mian, a poet of the Southern Dynasty (420-589), wrote in his poem <Italic>Late Summer</Italic>:

House was not a fine place for summer, so I sat outside to play with flower.

Lotus leaves merge with green shades on water, drawing lines between the red blossom and its partner.

This is the good time to avoid the heat, as I keep enjoying the bottle of liquor.

The sun was just right for letting go the worry.

I sought a path in Yuantouzhu, with cool breeze and cicada chirps.

I looked up, only to see scattered light and shadow, no clouds.

The stream often gurgles, cool and shaded.

I found a place of seclusion, relaxing and quiet.

Springs were running, with no more noise.


There was the pond of blooming lotuses,

Pink petals decorate the green leaves,

A picture so lovely.

Translucent dew fell on the lotus leave,

Glittering with colorful splendor,

The virid lotus seedpod exudes a sweet fragrance,

A rare treasure for coolness summer.

If you ask for the most appealing place in the dog days,

It must be waters,

As the cripples can bring gentle coolness to summer,

So Taihu Lake is such a superb spot.

In July, the height of summer covered with green,

I walked on the stone path of Yuantouzhu,

Feeling the coolness and aroma of breeze.

Here you can see babbling lakes and distant mountains,

Here you can hide in the shades of giant ancient trees,

Here you can breathe fresh air full of flower fragrance,

Here you can enjoy the coolness in the tranquil wooded mountains,

Here you have a cool summer.

The midsummer has arrived, time to find coolness,

Why not escape the city and come to Yuantouzhu?

To find the beautiful summer days deep in your mind.