Recommended Routes

Leisure Tour

Morning: Enjoying the morning mist of Zhongdu Mountain, greeting sunrise at Luding Mountain, from Chongshan Yinxiu, to Ten-Li Fragrant Road and finally travelling around Taihu Lake and Taihu Fairyland by cruise or seven-masted vessel.

Noon: Dining at the Tianxianglou Restaurant of Taihu Fairyland or the Hengyun Restaurant near Yuantouzhu Pier.

Afternoon: Visiting Wuxi Celebrities Museum, Sakura grove and tea-enjoying at Jiangnan Orchid Garden, then from Jiangnan Orchid Garden to Hushan Zhenyi through bamboo forest path, Former Residence of Wang Kunlun, Wanglang Bridge, Guangfu Temple, Precipice Inscription of “Baoyun Wuyue” (包孕吴越), Lighthouse, Hengyun Mountain Resort, Changchun Bridge, and finally enjoying returning boats at sunset in Yuanzhu Chuntao.

Evening: Strolling along the plank road around the lake, enjoying the night view of Taihu Lake and the resort, and taking a cruise tour on Bogong Island of Lihu Lake for night view and the fountain light show.

Choice Tour

You can take a sightseeing car from Chongshan Entrance to the Tourist Center, walk 5 minutes to the Pier and take a boat to Taihu Fairyland and travel via the Superb View of Taihu Lake on return to Yuanzhu Lighthouse for the panoramic view of Taihu Lake. Along the way, you will pass through Hengyun Mountain Resort, Yuanzhu Chuntao, Precipice Inscription of “Baoyun Wuyue” (包孕吴越), Guangfu Temple, and climb on the Luding Mountain to admire the two lakes. Finally, you will visit Chongshan Yinxiu and other spots before returning to Chongshan Entrance.

Backpack Tour

You can take a sightseeing bus in the South Square of Wuxi Railway Station.

K1 (RMB 2 yuan, 13km, 30-40 minutes), bound for Chongshan Entrance of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area via Liyuan Garden.

K87, bound for Dusan Entrance of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area via Xihui Park.


Best Green Tourist Trail in Yuantouzhu

Waterscape Garden——Chongshan Yinxiu——Former Residence of Nie Er——Iris Ensata Garden——Yixiu Bridge——Bamboo Sea——Friendship Pavilion——Sakura Grove of Friendship——Jiangnan Orchid Garden——Shanhui Chuanmei Memorial Archway


Xu Xiake’s First Tour in Taihu Lake

Yuantouzhu——Lighthouse——Taihu Fairyland——Wanglang Bridge


Half-Day Tour (about 4 hours)

Chongshan Entrance——Chongshan Yinxiu Trail——Sakura Valley——Shanhui Chuanmei Memorial Archway——Taihu Fairyland (round trip by cruise)——Superb View of Taihu Lake——Hengyun Mountain Resort——Yuanzhu Chuntao——Guangfu Temple——Chongshan Entrance

One-Day Tour (about 8 hours)

Chongshan Entrance——Chongshan Yinxiu Trail——Luding Mountain——Sakura Valley——Jiangnan Orchid Garden——Shanhui Chuanmei Memorial Archway——Taihu Fairyland (round trip by cruise)——Superb View of Taihu Lake——Hengyun Mountain Resort——Yuanzhu Chuntao——Guangfu Temple——Former Residence of Wang Kunlun——Wanglang Bridge——Hawk-Shaped Islet——Hushan Zhenyi——Chongshan Entrance